The Baytown Coffee Company

Discover The Baytown Coffee Company:Brewing up Yorkshire’s Finest Coffee Since 2013

The Baytown Coffee Company’s journey began in 2013 as a labour of love by the family. They hand roast coffee daily from their Yorkshire Coast farm to give customers the freshest cup of coffee.

At Baytown Coffee, it’s not just about the brew: it’s devotion passed down through generations. They are passionate about what they do and their experience in roasting aims to make coffee easy to understand, purchase and brew.

For the Baytown Coffee Company, coffee isn’t just about drinking it – it’s a bridge between growers and drinkers and they pride themselves on fairness and transparency.

Baytown’s commitment to paying the coffee growers beyond Fairtrade minimums underscores their belief in ethical sourcing, by working directly with farmers and importers who share their values. 

The Baytown Coffee Company’s aim is clear: to ignite your passion for extraordinary coffee while keeping the process fair.

Take a look at The Baytown Coffee Company HERE.